Ramaḍān Came and Ramaḍān Went, But …

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Hope all are well. Let’s talk about ‘Ramaḍān Came and Ramaḍān Went, But …‘.

What a wonderful feeling we all had on Friday 24th April ‏مَا شَآءَ الله. It was the first day of Ramaḍān. Our daily routine was most beautifully set. Praying 5 times Ṣalāh with JamāꜤat, reciting The Holy QurꜤān, non-stop ꜤIbādat ‏مَا شَآءَ الله. It was such a spiritual experience, with households tuning in to the receivers to listen to the Bayāns being delivered from the Masjids.

For the gents, out came the jubbāhs and the topis. Similarly, our sisters brought out the jubbāhs and the scarves. All modestly dressed. Even the black box in the house got a well deserved rest. This lovely atmosphere lasted for 30 days. Soon it was Sunday 24th May, ꜤEid ul-Fiṭr day.

Suddenly a change came over us. Back went the jubbāhs, topis and scarves. The Holy QurꜤān was put away nicely and neatly and safely. Out came the black box again. This is the reality.

But this must not be the case. Ramaḍān is not a month to show off our religion. It is a month to spiritually nourish ourselves so that we can continue with our practices for the remaining 11 months. Therefore, let’s make this Ramaḍān different from all others. Let’s continue with all the wonderful practices that we were carrying out and let it last till next Ramaḍān اِنْ شَاءَ الَّلهُ.

I wrote a similar message in our UNITY magazine dated Nov/Dec 2001.

Almighty Allāh grant us all the ability and strength to remain steadfast on all our ꜤIbādat and actions, Āmeen.

جَزَاكَ اللَّهُ خَيْرًا
Request for DuꜤās
وَالسَّلَامُ Hanif Dudhwala