3 hours for al-‘Aqṣā this Thursday

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

It’s Tuesday 25th May 2021.

Let’s talk about 3 hours for al-‘Aqṣā this Thursday.

My last few messages have focused on al-‘Aqṣā and Palestine. Today’s is the most important on the subject thus far.

On behalf of Masjid al-‘Aqṣā and all our Palestinian brothers, sisters and children, I would like to make a very humble request to you and your family to sacrifice 3 hours of your time this coming Thursday 27th May. A very important peaceful protest has been organised outside the BAE Systems factory in between Blackburn and Preston.

Please depart at 11am prompt from your home and head for BAE Systems (Samlesbury Aerodrome, Balderstone, Blackburn BB2 7LF). Park safely following instructions from the volunteers and take part in this protest please.

Let’s make it nice and clear that BAE Systems should not be supplying any kind of equipment or machinery to any regime in the world who are carrying out oppression. This is totally unacceptable and we will not tolerate it.

Remember, this is our chance to make our voices heard. Please don’t miss it. Representatives from Manchester and Oldham will be in attendance, اِنْ شَاءَ الَّلهُ. Make sure Lancashire is out in full force.

Please share this message far and wide, along with the poster below.

Almighty Allāh liberate Masjid al-‘Aqṣā and grant freedom and dignity to all the oppressed people of the world, Āmeen.

جَزَاكَ اللَّهُ خَيْرًا
Request for Du’ās
وَالسَّلَامُ Hanif Dudhwala, Lancashire Peace Forum (LPF).