بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ (In the name of Allāh, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent)

Hanīf Dūdhwālā – A Brief Introduction
Born in Blackburn Lancashire in 1967, I first attended Daisyfield Primary School, then moved on to Pleckgate High School in 1978.
My Islamic education started at the Daisyfield Masjid and thereafter continued at Masjid-e-Anīsul Islām on Troy Street.
In 1982, I enrolled at Dārul Uloom Bury, completing my Ḥifẓ in 1984, then starting the traditional Alimīyyah curriculum covering the Arabic language, Arabic morphology, Islamic jurisprudence, Tafsīr (exegis) of The Holy QurꜤān, Ḥadīth (Prophetic Sciences), Philosophy, and Aqīdah (Islamic Creed) under the guidance of Shaykh ul-Ḥadīth Ḥaḍrat Mawlānā Muḥammad Yūsuf Motālā Ṣāḥib نور الله مرقده, and graduating in 1991.

Ḥaḍrat advised some graduates that it would be very beneficial if they got together and collectively did something for our Dīn, so in September 1992, a group of 9 graduates created a 4-sided magazine in English containing Islamic articles. The group named themselves ‘Unity’ and the magazine inherited the name. مَا شَآءَ الله, ‘Unity’ became a monthly publication.
In August 1993, Unity started some charity work in Albania. On the mashwara of our respected teacher Mawlānā Muḥammad Saleem Dhorāt Ṣāḥib حفظہ اللہ, Unity was renamed Muslim Welfare Institute (MWI).
Since 1997 to date, I have been working for the Muslim Welfare Institute.
I have served on a number of community groups, as a parent governer, and official bodies, including Lancashire Council of Mosques.
It is my sincere hope that you find this this website beneficial.
You are more than welcome to leave your comments and suggestions; please use the Contact page.
جَزَاكَ اللَّهُ خَيْرًا
Request for DuꜤās
وَالسَّلَامُ Muḥammad Hanīf Dūdhwālā
Thursday 30th July 2020. 9th Ẓūl Ḥijjah (Yawm ul-‘Arafah) 1441 Hijri
What is HD Reflections?
As we went into lockdown, resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic, (2020), I started reflecting upon the reasons why our Creator may be upset with us.
With the sole intention of trying to please our Creator and as a means of Self Rectification for myself first and foremost, I wrote my first message, on Thursday 26th March, as part of the Self Reflections.
In order to benefit some close friends and associates, that first message was shared with a few close contacts. Since that Thursday (26 March 2020), I would sit and ponder every day, write a message, and send it out. Over time, the broadcast list increased substantially.
With the Blessings of The Almighty and the DuꜤās of some of my teachers and well wishers, the messages started to go viral, with feedback being received from all over the country .مَا شَآءَ الله Keeping a check on my intentions, with the assistance of the Almighty, I kept these posts going. The majority of these short articles were for Self Reflection.
When the Blessed Month arrived, a Ramaḍān flavour was added. To keep the readers interested, I mentioned some of my travels and touched upon a few biographies of our elders who are no longer with us.
I shared some of my earlier messages with my respected teacher and mentor Shaykh Muḥammad Saleem Dhorāt حفظہ اللہ, the founder and rector of the IDA, in Leicester, who suggested that all the messages should be collated.
These Self Reflection messages were initially preserved in a doc, then on the advice and encouragement of a very close friend and colleague, Mufti Yūsuf Shabbir, we deciced to set up a website. to include some of my other work as well.
Over the years, I’ve been reflecting on various topics, and writing about them. Moon Sighting is a subject very close to my heart, having been actively involved for over 30 years in the field, working with the pioneers, including Mawlānā YāꜤqūb Miftāhi Ṣāḥib. Almighty Allāh has blessed me with spending time in the company of many Great Lives, such as Mufti Taqī Us̱mānī مدظله العالی, Mufti Aḥmed Khānpuri Ṣāḥib, and Mawlānā Tāriq Jamīl Ṣāḥib. As mentioned in the introduction to My Travels, The World – Through My Eyes, I’ve had the pleasure of travelling to several countries with some of these luminaries.
The name hdreflections.com was chosen to try and encapsulate the spirit of all these topics.
There are currently 5 main sections (click on the titles in bold, below, or the menu items at the top, to access these topics).
- Great Lives – Snippets from the lives of Akābirīn and other notable personalities
- Moon Sighting – A mix of short posts, and some longer articles
- Mufti Taqī Us̱mānī – In the company of Mufti Taqī Us̱mānī Ṣāḥib
- My Travels – Short accounts of some of my travels
- Self Reflections – The daily messages originally shared over WhatsApp
Wherever possible, I have tried to keep the length of my articles very short, because the purpose was to offer a pointer or overview, and encourage readers to refer to their local Imām or ꜤĀlimāt for further guidance.